I organize CMADFI, a yearly seminar for Finnish community managers (2012-).
I often participates trainings and seminars arranged for enterpreneurs and social media professionals or communication people. I have forgot to update this page, but here are some samples things I've been envolved.
I have participated Inforte seminar series arranged by Jyväskylä University:
-Web 2.0: How to build a successful online community? (2 days in 05/2009)
-Digital Innovation workshop (2 days in 05/2010)
-Crowdsourcing, Innovation and Information Technology (2 days in 06/2011)
Other seminars:
-Sometime (2010, 2011, 2012, 2018)
-MindTrek (2 days in 09/2009, 10/2010)
-TEDx Helsinki (10/09, 05/2010, 11/2010, 11/2011)
-DCL (11/09, 10/10)
-ITK (2010)
-Uudelleenkäytön tulevaisuus (05/2012) (I was liveblogging the event to Facebook and Twitter)
Seminars abroad:
-Wikimania 2010, 3 days in 07/210 in Gdánsk
-Wikimania 2014, 7 days in London 08/2014
- Wikimania 2019 as a volunteer, coordinating our social media team and creating the strategy for us, 7 days on site in Stockholm
-European Innovation Conference (May 2011, 2 days in Billund)
Talentum course: Juridical risks of social media (spring 2010)
Sähköinen markkinointi (Digital marketing) (6 days during Dec 2011-April 2012)
Community manager course, one year, 2012-2013, Otavan Opisto
GDPR training by Jyväskylä AMK, 2018
Several web store courses
Marketing courses by Finnish entrepreneurs
Sample of courses I participated while at Nokia:
-Positive Power and Influence,
-Facilitation Tools and Techniques,
-Open source basics,
-Internal Audits
-Managing & Leading in a Virtual Team Environment,
-Certified Product Owner,
-Certified Scrum Master,
-Lean Overview
-Project Management Principles