Hidden treasure - Piilotettu aarre

Hidden treasure - Piilotettu aarre (2364935-5) is a company started by Johanna Janhonen in October 2010 the official registration date being 9th November 2010. The company locates in Central Finland but it operates globally offering companies, cities and other organizations:

* social media trainings (about tools & culture)
* consultation in planning the social media usage
* content creation to social media services.

At first most of my customers come via Ambientia but I am always open to new partnerships and customers :).

So follow and contact me either via social media: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook - or via email or phone + 358 40 506 1960.

PS. So far I have been so busy with my customers (and the bureaucracy of course) that I haven't had the time to create an official page for my company yet so instead I am using this shortcut: http://bit.ly/hiddentreasure .