Tuesday, 30 June 2009

LinkedIn spam

Last week I got a LinkedIn invitation from a genius who was a fan of Michael Jackson. At the same time he holds several amazing positions:

-Owner of Global LINK SERVE
-C.E.O of FORD
-C.E.O of Toshiba Japan
-Director in Nokia
-Director in sharp Electronics
-Director in Sony Electronics Company
-Director in Lexus
-Director in colgate Palmolive usa

He must be a busy guy...

What is really amazing is that he has got 15 new contacts after yesterday and there´s now only 2 people between him and me.

Why isn´t this account already closed? I would think LinkedIn notices if someone sents thousands of invitations in a short period and starts suspecting something weird. And if someone is CEO for several companies at the same time, doesn´t it ring a warning bell somewhere?

And what does the people think when they accept invitations from a stranger?

There is an option to report about spam in LinkedIn too but in this case I chose the option of I don´t know this person and after that there´s no way to report about the spammers. :P


  1. Raymond Benson: You're right - he must be a busy guy. Now with 33 connections.

    It's a sad reflection upon the social media world that he's got further connections since you posted about it. John C. Dvorak lists the worst aspects of Twitter in his MarketWatch column (http://tinyurl.com/kjv25t) but it applies to all social media, as evidenced by the Wikipedia problems while trying to protect a kidnapped journalist (http://tinyurl.com/m3ujjh).

  2. Thanks Doug! :) The second link did not work but the first one was interesting :).

  3. The account has been closed now :)


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